Benefits of Seniors Continuing Education
November 2, 2020Education looks different these days. There‚Äôs a range of subjects beyond reading, writing and arithmetic that we never dreamed of when we were in school decades ago. Teaching has evolved …
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Education looks different these days. There‚Äôs a range of subjects beyond reading, writing and arithmetic that we never dreamed of when we were in school decades ago. Teaching has evolved …
October 8, 2020
Mmm ‚Ķ that crisp fall air. As the leaves change and the cooler weather arrives, there‚Äôs much to enjoy in Westchester County. While there won‚Äôt be as many in-person events …
In the book ‚ÄúStill Alice,‚Äù author Lisa Genova vividly depicts Alzheimer‚Äôs from the point of view of the main character. We follow Alice, a linguistics professor, as she struggles with …
As the Marketing Intake Specialist, Lisa is oftentimes the first voice at Broadview – Senior Living at Purchase College anyone hears. She is the main point of contact for potential …
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